OpenCHAMI Mini Bootcamp

November 13, 2024 in HPC, OpenCHAMI, LANL by Travis Cotton and Alex Lovell-Troy3 minutes

Deploying OpenCHAMI: A Hands-On Guide to Setting Up and Running Your Cluster

This blog post is an abridged version of the training we give internal sysadmins at LANL. It guides you through the whole process of building and deploying OpenCHAMI on a set of small teaching clusters that we maintain for that purpose. For more details and example image configurations, visit our repo at


To get started, you’ll need:

  • Linux OS installed on your machine (we assume you’ve done this).
  • Basic Configuration Management knowledge—while this guide covers essential configs, we won’t dive into full system deployment.
  • Cluster Images—OpenCHAMI doesn’t come with image-build tools, so we’ll work through building images locally.

1. Initial Package Installations

Install necessary packages for OpenCHAMI deployment:

dnf install -y ansible git podman jq

2. Configure Cluster Hosts

Edit your /etc/hosts file to include entries for your cluster. For example:    stratus.openchami.cluster      st001
#...additional entries for each node

3. Setup Power Management

Install powerman and conman for node power and console management:

dnf install -y powerman conman jq

Configure Powerman: Add device and node info to /etc/powerman/powerman.conf using your shortnames.

device "ipmi0" "ipmipower" "/usr/sbin/ipmipower -D lanplus -u admin -p Password123! -h pst[001-009] -I 17 -W ipmiping |&"
node "st[001-009]" "ipmi0" "pst[001-009]"

Start Powerman:

systemctl start powerman
systemctl enable powerman

4. Building a Test Image

Use buildah to create a lightweight test image.

  1. Install buildah:

    dnf install -y buildah
  2. Build the base image:

    CNAME=$(buildah from scratch)
    MNAME=$(buildah mount $CNAME)
    dnf groupinstall -y --installroot=$MNAME --releasever=8 "Minimal Install"
  3. Set up the kernel and dependencies:

    dnf install -y --installroot=$MNAME kernel dracut-live fuse-overlayfs cloud-init
  4. Rebuild initrd:

    buildah run --tty $CNAME bash -c 'dracut --add "dmsquash-live livenet network-manager" --kver $(basename /lib/modules/*) -N -f --logfile /tmp/dracut.log 2>/dev/null'
  5. Save the image:

    buildah commit $CNAME test-image:v1

5. Microservices Overview

OpenCHAMI relies on several key microservices:

  • SMD (State Management Database): Stores system hardware data.
  • BSS (BootScript Service): Provides iPXE scripts to nodes.
  • Cloud-init: Customized for OpenCHAMI to configure nodes during boot.
  • TPM-manager: Issues JWTs for secure configurations.

6. Setup OpenCHAMI with Ansible

  1. Clone the deployment recipes repository:

    git clone
  2. Go to the LANL podman-quadlets recipe:

    cd deployment-recipes/lanl/podman-quadlets
  3. Inventory Setup: Edit the inventory/01-ochami file to specify your hostname.

  4. Cluster Configurations: Update inventory/group_vars/ochami/cluster.yaml with your cluster name and shortname.

  5. SSH Key Pair: Generate an SSH key, add it to inventory/group_vars/ochami/cluster.yaml under cluster_boot_ssh_pub_key.

  6. Run the Playbook:

    ansible-playbook -l $HOSTNAME -c local -i inventory -t configs ochami_playbook.yaml

7. Testing OpenCHAMI Services

After rebooting, run the full playbook:

ansible-playbook -l $HOSTNAME -c local -i inventory ochami_playbook.yaml

Check that the expected containers are running:

# podman ps | awk '{print $NF}' | sort

8. Setting Up Cloud-init and BSS

  1. Verify Services: Ensure SMD, BSS, and cloud-init are populated correctly.

    ochami-cli smd --get-components
    ochami-cli bss --get-bootparams
    ochami-cli cloud-init --get-ci-data --name compute
  2. Boot Nodes: Start and monitor node boots using pm and conman commands.

  3. Logs for Debugging: Open additional terminal windows to monitor logs for DHCP, BSS, and cloud-init.

9. Building and Using Images

For more complex deployments, use the image-builder tool to build layered images.

podman build -t image-builder:test -f dockerfiles/dnf/Dockerfile_interactive .
podman run --device /dev/fuse -it --name image-builder --rm -v $PWD:/data image-builder:test 'image-build --log-level INFO --config /data/image-configs/base.yaml'

10. Advanced Topics: Security and Automation

  1. Two-Step Cloud-init: Set up secure configurations by adding a second layer of cloud-init for sensitive data.
  2. JWT for Secure Data: Use tpm-manager to handle secure data distribution to nodes.


By now, you should have a fully deployed OpenCHAMI environment, equipped with essential microservices and custom-built images, ready to scale. As a final step, consider adding further integrations like Slurm for job scheduling and network-mounted filesystems for additional storage solutions.